Annual Report 2022-23
Our librarians visit classrooms across campus to help students meet the challenges of college-level research and navigate the complexities of the information landscape.
We‘re here to help. Every day, we answer questions ranging from how to find business statistics to how to cite a musical transcription. Questions come in through our chat service, email, and from those in the building.
Ithaca College Library is one of the most vibrant spots on campus! We offer spaces for quiet study, reservable rooms for group work, and spaces for games, lunch, or meeting with friends.
Our physical collections of books, journals, and audiovisual media supports teaching and learning across the curriculum. Come browse the stacks!
When a patron needs something that we don‘t have, the ILL staff will borrow it for them from one of our partner libraries. And of course we lend materials to those libraries in return.
Our reserves service lets instuctors create readling lists of physical or online items, reducing the burden of textbook costs for students.
We offer 24/7 access to a host of databases, ebooks, and streaming services, accessible from anywhere!
The library website serves as a starting point for the information needs of the entire campus community. And its reach far exceeds Ithaca. People from all over the world use our research guides and Research 101 tutorials.