Building Use Policy


Patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the normal activities and function of the library, its staff, and of other patrons. To this end, library users shall not:

  • Engage in activities that deliberately annoy others or that disrupt library operations or the use of library resources
  • Engage in behavior that is hostile, harassing, or threatening to other patrons or to library staff members
  • Damage or tamper with library property
  • Engage in illegal activity
  • Use the library for sleeping for an extended period of time, excluding incidental napping
  • Use the library building or seating as a temporary living space
  • Use the library building for marketing/fundraising activities.
  • Bring pets into the library unless they comply with exemptions listed in section 2.40 Animals/Pets of the Ithaca College policy manual
  • Post printed material that indicates a threat or harm to other individuals

Filming in the Library

If you need to film or record in the library building, please carefully read our policy.

Lost and Found

Items found in the library will be kept at the circulation desk for 7 days. After that time, items are turned over to the Office of Public Safety.

Contact Us

Stephanie Salcedo
Business & Financial Operations Coordinator
(607) 274-3182
Sarah Shank
Access Services Manager
(607) 274-3891