Filming, Photography, and Recording in the Library

Filming, Photography, and Recording in the Library

The library reserves the right to deny any filming, photographing, or recording if our polices are not followed. Patrons are responsible for their equipment and behavior at all times. The library does not provide props, costumes, or other technical support. The library expects students and visitors to obey all rules of the Ithaca College Library and those set forth in the Ithaca College Student Handbook.

Filming is strongly discouraged during midterm and final exam weeks. Please plan projects around your classmates’ study time.

The following activities are prohibited:

  • Creating noise or otherwise disturbing library users.
  • Re-arranging, or damaging furniture or fixtures. Moving chairs is acceptable.
  • Restricting or blocking any aisle or walkway.
  • Entering staff workspace at service desks, offices, or cubicles.
  • Filming or recording on the 4th or 5th floors; the quiet study space.
  • Filming or recording in the library outside of normal operating hours.
  • Filming or recording people without prior consent.

Please email or call us at 607-274-3206 if you have questions.

Contact Us

Stephanie Salcedo
Business & Financial Operations Coordinator
(607) 274-3182